How To Enjoy Life Without Technology

How To Enjoy Life Without Technology

Savvy Fairall, Opinion Editor

For most of us here at Allen Community College, we have been bombarded with technology for over half of our lives. Within the past decade, these technologies have grown into something most of us feel we can’t live without, such as cell phones, tablets, and game consoles. Walking through the halls has now become a game of duck and dodge trying to avoid running into those whose eyes seem to be permanently fixed on their phones’ glowing screens. But what if I were to tell you that you can enjoy life without technology?

Being able to enjoy life without technology doesn’t mean getting rid of all your electronic devices. It simply means there are ways you can limit the amount of time and access you have to these devices so that you have more face to face contact with other people and more time for recreation. Like most students, I, too, found myself on my phone way too much and it began spiraling toward a ball-and-chain relationship.

About six months ago I upgraded to an iPhone; I was so enchanted by this device that it started to take over my entire life. My phone was almost permanently glued to my hand. I checked social media far too often and everywhere I went my phone went with me. It wasn’t until winter break that I realized I had a problem. I was obsessed with my phone.

Once I realized this, I made it my mission to regain control of my life (and my cell phone) and put the phone down. Making this change doesn’t have to be hard if you set limits. I limited myself to only checking social media twice a day and was only allowed a total of one hour on my phone a day. I also started turning it off while studying. For safety reasons, I still bring my phone with me everywhere I go, but I leave it on vibrate. As I began limiting my phone usage, I found myself becoming extremely productive. Even my mom noticed that I was more connected with the real world and less connected with the one behind my screen.

Making this change not only made me more productive but also helped me use my time more wisely. By lessening my connection with technology I gained a happier and healthier lifestyle. I don’t think I will ever go back to being obsessed with my phone because I realized it was truly unhealthy.

There is a whole world we are missing out on when we are too concerned with technology. Real time spent with friends, family, and even ourselves is much more rewarding than scrolling through timelines. Make the change to enjoy your life without technology, and I doubt you will regret it.