Wrapping Up A Year of New Normality

May 14, 2021
This year, as everyone knows, has been anything but normal. We have seen students and staff quarantined for weeks on end and others have been perfectly fine. All in all,
everyone seems to have adapted quite well, and the school has provided great support from staff, and in the form of vaccinations.
For the entirety of the 2020-21 school year, classes have resorted to online meetings and flex scheduling. Many students loved the online classes, while others struggled with keeping up. One thing that all students can agree on is that they are ready for the year to end.
As everyone prepares to leave, I got the chance to speak with some of the students here at Allen Community College, both returning freshmen, and graduating sophomores.
Freshman Connor Clevenger said, “The online classes were nice to have and not have to go to class in person as much. I think it was a little weird though and I felt a little cheated out of my first year because of COVID restrictions.”
First year Allen student and sophomore Damon Burroughs said, “It was a lot of fun being here this year. I met a lot of great people and I am actually going to school with some of them next year to play baseball.”
In regards to how he thought the school year went, Burroughs had this to say. “It was definitely different and I found it more difficult to stay on top of classes, but I was able to get on top of it by the end of the year.”
The year here at Allen has been as smooth as it possibly could have been. Jon Wells, history teacher at Allen and mayor of Iola said, “Well we did it!” in regards to making it through the first (and hopefully last) COVID year.
And “it” they did. Congratulations, Allen County students and staff. In a year where nothing was normal, a new normalcy was born.