Taking Guns Isn’t the Answer

Sophomore Austin George voices his thoughts on gun control after recent violence escalates.
November 21, 2017
The pattern is by now numbingly familiar: a single individual, either mentally sick or with enough evil motivation to gun down innocent men, women and children. Due to recent and ongoing senseless shootings, people are calling for more and more gun control. However, those who are pro guns fight back and say, “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”
As of right now, gun control is one of the most controversial topics in today’s society.
According to Alexis Rhiannon of Bustle, in the United States alone there are 357 million guns. That means there are more guns than people by about 20 million. Think about this: why hasn’t anyone been able to invade us since Japan in 1941? Some may say it’s our defense systems and other may argue it’s because our astronomical number of guns in the United States.
The constitutional “Right to Bear Arms” is a main reason why individuals feel that they are being stripped of their rights.
According to AJ Willingham of CNN in the last 10 years we have had 18 of the most deadly mass shootings in United States history. It’s understandable that individuals would blame those shootings on loose gun control; however there are several different factors. For example, we all remember Pulse. An individual killed 49 people and injured 58. He was yelling ISIS remarks before he was shot by local authorities. That gets people thinking: Why he wasn’t picked up by homeland or the FBI prior to the shooting? That isn’t about guns; it’s the fact that we didn’t have enough security to prevent such atrocities.
According to Christopher Ingraham of The Washington Post, more than 30 percent of the guns that ended up at crime scenes had been stolen. Gun control won’t do anything but take away legal guns from those who went through the classes and certification to obtain those. Individuals will still find a way to get illegal weapons.
Now I do respect the fact that people are pushing for tighter gun control because of events that have taken place. But, I believe the only answer is to fight guns with guns. Obviously it cannot be proven, but the shooting at Pulse could have been stopped before 49 people were brutally shot if others were carrying.
To conclude, guns do kill people. However, people pull the trigger. Those who think that completely getting rid of guns will fix anything are oblivious to the real problem. We need more people to carry to prevent senseless shootings. Taking individuals’ rights to carry guns could result in something must worse.
One can only speculate, but we need to take different approaches into this extremely controversial topic.