In early September, the Allen student body elected its new student senate council for the 2024-25 academic year. The council is sponsored by Josiah D’albini.
The student senate council aims to enhance student voices on campus and increase transparency among school staff. The council will be headed Amogelang Mofokeng as President and Vice President Lana Mayfield. Jena Hendrix will serve as the council’s secretary. Two sophomore senators, Michael Christopher and Reese Witherspoon, will represent their sophomore class, while freshman senators Luiz Almeida and Kynlee Lind work to voice the opinions of the freshman class. Freshman Samuel Glasgow will serve as the international senator this year.
The student senate will hold meetings monthly where they will discuss problems on campus and potential changes that could benefit the student body. These meetings are completely open to students, sometimes these meetings will allow non-senate students the chance to speak. Representatives from each student organization will also join the senate during meetings to ensure that student organizations are heard.
President Mofokeng will serve as a work-study. This means he will be more involved by working on student senate business and will also be available to meet with students during that time.
Secretary Jena Hendrix will take notes during the meeting and post the minutes, as well as update students regarding any information surround the meetings.
Josiah D’Albini, student senate sponsor, has worked with the student senate in the past to make the use of student fees more transparent and even amend the constitution to incorporate international students by adding an international senator.
“As adults or professionals we think that we know what’s best for students, but at the end of the day, it is the students who know what is best for students,” D’Albini said.
D’Albini is continuing to show support of student voices by moving the president into a more involved role.
Dates and times for the council meetings will be posted on Allen County CC social media, band app, and bulletins around the school.