A Time For Farewells, New Beginnings

May 14, 2015
On Saturday, May 16, 239 Allen Community College sophomores are going to put on their graduation regalia and say goodbye to the place where they have advanced their educational journey.
The ceremony for graduates from the Iola, Burlingame and online campuses will be at 10:30 a.m. in the college gymnasium, where family, friends, trustees, administration, faculty, staff and fellow students will be there to support them.
The schedule of the ceremony includes speeches by Allen President John Masterson, Trail Spears, president of the Student Senate organization, and distinguished alumnus Dr. David Thompson, who graduated from Allen Community College in 2001 and now teaches family studies and human services at Kansas State University in Manhattan.
After the recognition graduates and their guests are invited to a reception outdoors for refreshments, well-wishes and photographs.
The graduation ceremony is organized annually by Allen Registrar Bobbie Haviland.