On a rocky life road when the challenges make us feel hopeless and despaired, when the obstacles force us to give up and lose our faith, only God is there to save our souls from surrender.
“FBI” is the First Baptist Iola church, which believes to have a purpose to “Love God, Learn His Word, Live for Him, and Light His World.” Starting 150 years ago, this institution still helps people maintain their relationship with God.
Despite its location in the small town of Iola, the Baptist church finds a lot of visitors to come and serve. People gather from the entire town to glorify God’s name and attend morning services on each Sunday morning.
Pastor Mike Quinn has been working in FBI for five years. He adores his life and work within the church and invites everybody at Allen Community to join this friendly community. Having an experience of pastor, Quinn has visited a lot of places through the globe including such exotic ones as Russia and the Philippines. He has completed a lot of mission trips to tell as many people as possible about the faith and commitment to God.
Quinn said, “The church’s doors are opened for everyone and especially for students, who frequently feel isolated and alone being far from their own homes.” He also invites each of them to come any time in order to talk with the pastor and gain some support from the church servants.
To get involved with FBI community, one can choose several options to consider. There are such opportunities as joining Bible studies, volunteering for children-school and helping with the church kindergarten. Participating in these events, students tend to interact with a bigger amount of people, not feeling alien studying away from home, in different state or even in a new country.
One more way to tie together is to visit evening dinners that are held every Sunday at 5 p.m. The church serves free meals to the students, trying to help them financially as well as socially. Each of the dinners involves about 50 students who pray and have a meal on the common table.
A visit to Iola First Baptist Church assures students will enjoy a “family” atmosphere in that place. They can get involved helping people and the same will come in return.