A Week in the Life: Lindsey Temaat
May 8, 2018
Allen Community College freshman, Lindsey Temaat is a Riley County native that is majoring in communications. Temaat is the managing editor of The Allen Flame, an intern at Thrive Allen County, participates in the school plays and choir, and attends every single student life activity she can.
Keeping her days filled with various school and work activities, Temaat still finds a way to spend time with her friends.
During her first semester, Temaat participated in work-study, helping out with the plays, and filing for the music department. She made sure to be part of as many plays as possible but could not be part of Dracula during the second semester.
“Unfortunately I wasn’t able to participate in this play because of scheduling conflicts but I usually participate in all theatre productions,” said Temaat. “I’m glad that I went to support my fellow cast members in this show, which turned out amazing.”

Temaat soon transitioned from work studies to an internship at Thrive Allen County.
“Thrive is a nationally recognized, non-profit organization that is dedicated to making Allen County one of the healthiest rural counties in KS,” said Temaat. “We do outreach and advocacy, economic development, and so much more.”
Lisse Regehr is the Director of Outreach and Advocacy and is Temaat’s supervisor, but she works with all of the Thrive Staff. Regehr and Temaat have gone on multiple trips together along with other Thrive staff members.
“Some of the coolest trips that I have gone on so far were to Topeka, KS for a rally to expand KanCare that our CEO, David Toland spoke at. We also went to a three day Kansas Health Foundation conference in Salina, KS with some staff members and Damaris Kunkler, the Community Engagement Director at Thrive, to learn more about one of the grants we’re working on to help solve injustices in LaHarpe,” said Temaat.
At Thrive, some of Temaat’s duties are to manage the Allen County Economic Development Facebook page, the Downtown Iola Facebook page, perform Facebook Live videos (#LiveWithLindsey), and to make flyers for various events that Thrive hosts.
Aside from Thrive, Temaat focuses on the school newspaper where she is the managing editor.
While in high school, Temaat was on her school’s newspaper staff for three years, and was the editor during her junior and senior years. She also wrote for her local newspaper, the Riley Countian during the summers.

“As the managing editor of the newspaper, I help Bruce (Symes, newspaper sponsor) edit stories after they’ve been peer edited by staff members and then post them on the website, and I help post on social media,” Temaat said. “I love being managing editor, it’s a team atmosphere and I’m blessed to be part of it. Also, Bruce is a saint.”
Even though Temaat makes sure that her schedule is full most days, she takes a break for about an hour every day to call her parents to update them on her day and to hear about what is going on in their lives.
After her two years here at Allen, Temaat wants to transfer to a university to major in communications studies or public relations/marketing.
Temaat’s dream job is to be the press secretary for the president of the United States. or the marketing director for a big company.
“I’m busy, I’m stressed, I’m overwhelmed but I love everything I do,” said Temaat. “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t love it, and I am so lucky to have found Iola.”
Sunday, April 22
7:00 P.M.- Temaat arrives back in Iola after spending a weekend back home.
7:30 P.M.- Starts her online biology module. Every Sunday at midnight are her modules are due.
12:30 A.M.- Sleep.
Monday, April 23
6:00-10:00 A.M.- Temaat wakes up depending on how much homework she has.
11:00-12:00 P.M.- Interpersonal Communications with Terri Piazza
12:00-1:30 P.M.- Choir
2:00-5:30 P.M.- Work (Thrive Allen County)
5:30-6:00 P.M.- Dinner in the caf with friends
6:00-12:00 P.M.- Temaat hangs out with friends, finishes work projects, schedules Facebook posts for the next day, works on homework
12:00- Sleep
Tuesday, April 24
6:30 A.M.- Temaat’s alarm goes off but she ignores it until the last minute because she “values sleep more than beauty.”
7:55 A.M.- Get out of bed for class
8:00-9:30 A.M.- Contemporary Social Problems with Katie Mitchell
9:45-11:00 A.M.- Change clothes and eat breakfast
11:00-12:00 A.M.- Photography with Tara Schultz
12:00-1:00 P.M.- Eat lunch
1:00-2:00 P.M.- Newspaper with Bruce Symes
2:00-5:30 P.M.- Temaat works on editing and uploading stories for The Allen Flame and also makes up classes if she missed them because of a work event.
5:30-6:00 P.M.- Dinner.
6:00-12:00 P.M.- Work on homework and hang out with friends.
12:00- Sleep
Wednesday, April 25
7:00-11:00 A.M.- Wake up, get all dolled up for her photoshoot later, then grab a quick breakfast at Around The Corner.
11:00-12:00 A.M.- IPC with Terri Piazza
12:00-12:30 P.M.- Temaat attended Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s National Walk at Lunch Day in the downtown Iola square with some of her coworkers and about 40 community members.
12:30-1:00 P.M.- Temaat met up with Jon Wells at the college to grab Gatorade and water bottles he had donated in preparation for the pocket park on Friday.
1:00 P.M.- Along with some of her fellow students, Temaat met in the Admissions Office for the school’s marketing photoshoot that afternoon.
3:45-4:00 P.M.- Shot a “Live with Lindsey” Facebook Live interview with guest speaker, Taylor Hirth, in the school’s theatre for a Downtown Iola FB post.
4:00-5:30 P.M.- Grabbed fast food before Taylor Hirth began her speech… (But don’t tell her co-workers at Thrive!)
5:30-6:30 P.M.- Attended Hirth’s speech about sexual assault
6:30-11:00 P.M.- Homework
11:00 P.M.- Sleep
Thursday, April 26
7:55 A.M.- 2:00PM- Attends her T/TH class schedule.
2:00-2:30 P.M.- Conducted an interview for newspaper.
2:30-5:30 P.M.- Worked on newspaper and other assignments
5:30-7:30 P.M.- Eat dinner
7:30 P.M.- Attended the play, Dracula, directed by Tony Piazza
10:00-11:30 P.M.- Called parents (which she does almost every night).
11:30 P.M.- Sleep
Friday, April 27
6:00-9:00 A.M.- Woke up, got dressed, picked up wheelbarrows and shovels from maintenance, Kent Tomsen, then stopped by Ryan Bilderback’s office to pick up community service forms for volunteers.
9:00-3:30 P.M.- Along with about thirteen other volunteers, Temaat worked on building the Pocket Park between Thrive Allen County and Sophisticated Rose.
3:30-5:30 P.M.- Stayed at Thrive to do some computer work
5:30-1:00 A.M.- Showered then headed over to her friends’ room to eat pizza and tacos and watch movies on Netflix all night
1:00 A.M.- Sleep
Saturday, April 28
12:00-3:00 P.M.- Woke up and got dressed up for that night.
3:00-12:30 A.M.- Attended The Barber of Seville opera at the Kauffman Center of Performing Arts in Kansas City, MO.
12:30-3:00 A.M.- Temaat layed in bed eating leftovers from dinner that night and watching Trump documentaries until she fell asleep.
4:00 P.M.- Got out of bed
“It was a long week,” said Temaat.