‘Big Jim’ Enjoys Serving Students

Big Jim and the writer share a smile together.
January 5, 2017
It is very seldom that the people behind the scenes gets the credit they deserve. Most people overlook the little things that helps make everything at Allen Community College possible, including the work by the maintenance department. Often maintenance employees are overlooked and taken for granted.
Jim Creason has worked for Allen in the maintenance department for 17 years. He can be seen about campus daily, afternoons and evenings, particularly in the Activities Building.
When asked what brought him to Allen, “Big Jim,” as he is known affectionately to students, said, “I just happened to be looking for a job and at first they picked someone else and then they picked me and I have been working here for 17 years ever since.”
The enjoyment of his work comes from many sources, Big Jim said. “First off, the paycheck isn’t bad; insurance isn’t bad. But most of all, it’s the people. The people I work with and the students are great. The students are polite; they smile at me. It makes it a joy to do stuff for you young’uns.”
Big Jim came to Iola by was of his California birthplace and Kansas City, where he was raised. “My parents moved to Iola when they got older so I moved to help them,” he said.
That willingness to help others is something that sets Big Jim apart. He is known around campus as one of the friendliest faces everyone knows and appreciates.
Big Jim concluded, “Thank you so much for thinking of me. This makes me feel famous. Make sure you put that in there.”