Library To Have More of a Presence at Burlingame

December 4, 2014
In the spring of 2015, the Burlingame Campus of Allen Community College will be a little more scholastic than it is today.
Burlingame will establish a small book collection in cooperation with the Iola Campus library. Called the Little Free Library Book Nook, it will be a small library where students and faculty can take a book, leave a book or trade a book for free.
Sandy Moore, director of Allen’s library, which serves both the Iola and Burlingame campuses, as well as online students, stressed that the checkout services have always been available to students on all camouses. While Iola students have the physical space with books on shelves, Burlingame and online students have been able to access immense databases of books, magazines, films and research materials through the college’s website. All students can access physical books, as well, by requesting to check them out and having them mailed to them.
“Allen students, both from the Iola and Burlingame campuses, have always had available opportunities to check out materials and get necessary information,” Moore said.
The Burlingame initiative, Moore noted, will give the library a presence on the Osage County Campus and make access to books easier for students and faculty there.
Meanwhile, Burlingame students continue to benefit from tutoring provided through the Academic Success Center. The ASC, which is in Room 112, will house the new Book Nook at Burlingame in the spring.
With a staff of five tutors — two for math and three for writing — the academic support service helps students with essays and research papers, math homework and test preparation.
Erin O’Keefe, English instructor at Burlingame, coordinates and supervises the tutoring center. She helps students organize their work hours and promotes tutoring on the campus.
O’Keefe said she was excited for the Book Nook to be established at Burlingame. She believes it will encourage students to read more and exchange interesting literature pieces with one another.
Even though a library on the Burlingame campus doesn’t have a physical space, it does help Allen students to have access to books and information materials.