Most colleges have different activities that can help bring their school together like clubs, fraternities, and sororities. One thing Allen Community College does to bring the school together is the Tradition Keepers.
The Tradition Keepers were started by Allen Community College Alumni. The Tradition Keepers participate in activities that students can do around campus and the community and are carried on through future generations.
One tradition includes shopping or eating at the stores in and around Iola. The local Dairy Queen is a favored stop.
Morgan Magnett and Raelee Morrow both said, “The dollar blizzard night [was their] favorite tradition.”.
Other traditions include studying in the library, gathering in the student center or gaming room, attending one of the sporting events, voting/running in one of the student elections, and walking/biking
on one of the tails around the town.
“So far, the dollar movie nights have been my favorite.” said student Kylie Price.
New traditions are being encouraged. These traditions can be a photo, video, ticket stubs, etc. Ideas for new traditions are submitted to the Allen student life email and posted on their Facebook and Instagram.