The Preview of Summertime Fun: Spring Break!

Daniela Gonzalez, Student Reporter

A typical scene of every high school or college movie shows the characters looking forward to spring break for that very much needed rest or that sensational party time. While this scene may seem cliché, it is rooted in some truth. Spring Break often the most stress relieving week of a semester, as college students finally have space to breathe from their studies and tight athletic schedules.

To students, Spring Break symbolizes the halfway mark towards finishing another semester of their academic careers and getting to head back home for some amazing summer vacation. Going back home for a week is the case for many of the students at ACC, which is the case for me too! Going back to my hometown and just enjoying the welcoming cities of El Paso and Juarez really brings joy to my heart, to be back there after many months.

Yet, not every student gets to go home for Spring Break. Many international students are unable to go home, as it is the case here at Allen Community College. They might find it comforting to have a break from all their academic activities and to just have time to recollect their thoughts and find themselves so they can finish up the rest of the semester strong.

Additionally, vacationing during this time, although rare, might be convenient for many students who have the chance. People are known to go to popular places like the beaches in Mexico or other large tourism places in the United States, like New York or Los Angeles. Yet, others go to smaller places with friends and family to rent a small cabin or condo and relax for the weekend.

And While Spring Break can be a time to forget about school, it can also help an essential time to study for the upcoming finals at the semester ends. Students might also find it welcoming to work more hours during this time to gain extra money for any needs that might come about in the near future.

Spring Break is an amazing week, and while many of y’all are going to stay on campus, others are going to be traveling. As students, this week is for us to have fun, but we always have to remember to keep our safety and our education as out #1 priority. See y’all soon Red Devils!