Student-Athlete Alums Reflect on Time at Allen

Jake Pease in his Allen pitching days.

Courtesy photo

Jake Pease in his Allen pitching days.

Quinton Weld, Sports Editor

Many students come to Allen Community College with the hopes of moving on to a larger university, whether for athletics or strictly academics. Allen offers a place for students to grow and prepare for the workload of a university.

Many athletes come to Allen looking to move on to a four-year school and continue to play the sport they love. Conner Bond and Jake Pease are two former Allen baseball players that are now playing at Washburn University and Northern Kentucky University, respectively.

Both Bond and Pease enjoyed their experience at Allen and created memories that will last a lifetime.

The education is one of the most important parts of a student’s time while at Allen, they agreed. Getting prerequisite classes out of the way is one of most beneficial parts of attending Allen.

“Allen helped me get a lot of (prerequisites) out of the way for a lot cheaper,” Bond said.

While Pease agreed, he added that the environment created by the staff allowed for an exceptional learning environment.

Allen also prepared Bond and Pease for playing baseball at their four-year school. The balance between school and sports was one of the biggest advantages of attending Allen.

Both former students recognized how valuable it was to find that balance and were able to do so while at Allen.

The transition from Allen to a four-year does not happen without its struggles. Both Bond and Pease admit that school is a lot more difficult at their universities.

When asked about advice to give to other Allen students, Bond said, “Make sure you know what major you are going into and make sure you find the perfect school for you.”

Pease’s advice: “Make sure you adopt good study habits now because you are going to need them at your four-year.”