Léa Parker is a freshman at Allen County Community College. Parker graduated from Mission Valley High School in Eskridge Kansas. Parker first attended Allen online, before coming to the Iola
Campus to finish her degree.
Parker is currently dual majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology. After Allen, Parker will be attending either Emporia State University or University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Parker wants to
specialize in Forensic Psychology.
Parker joined the Allen Flame because she loves to write. She has a lot of different views on things but can also set aside my personal opinions.
Fun Fact: Parker loves unique animals and has three hermit crabs and an African House Snake. One of hermit crabs is 10 and the other two are 3. Their names are Teeny, Biggie(short for Biggie
Smalls) and Pac (short for Tupac). Parker’s snake is named Frankie.