Words of Wisdom: Sophomore Advice for Incoming Freshman

Many Allen Community College Sophomores encouraged students to get involved in activities, and utilize academic resources available on campus.

Bailey Sprague, Social Media Manager

Freshman year at Allen Community College can be a whirlwind of emotions, from finding your way around campus to balancing your diet or getting involved and learning to prioritize. Most freshmen find themselves thinking: I wish I had known this or things would have been different if I had known that.

These ten Red Devil sophomores have been there and done that, and wanted to share their advice with this year’s freshman class.

“Don’t just be about school. Have fun so you don’t get stressed out,” Wes Anderson said.

No one knows more about stress than the average college student today, but school is just as important as making connections with friends and faculty. Go to the school events or have a movie night in the dorms. Anything to take the pressure off, even if it’s just for a little bit.

“Cook more or you will gain weight,” Aldina Righini said.

Living in Winter or Horton can be rough without a stove, but there is always a way to make meals in the dorms if making it to the cafeteria is out of the question. Rice cookers, microwaves, and hot plates are great backups.


Mikey Bruner

“Don’t start skipping class or you’ll never stop,” Mikey Bruner said.

Skipping class is a slippery slope. Maybe one class won’t hurt, but then three weeks pass and the professor thinks the class had been dropped.




“Stay on top of your grades, or at least guess on everything,” Quinton Wayne said.

As the myth goes: When in doubt, guess C.

“Embrace the grind,” Jacob Pryor said.

Get in the library or the gym, wherever it is that can better the personal experience. A student’s interest or excitement about doing well in school or a sport will directly translate to success in the area.

“Get to know your academic advisor. They can help you with every academic issue, and they are provided to you by the school,” Rylee Knavel said.

There are academic advisors all over campus, assigned to a student at the beginning of the year. They are who makes the schedule and ensures students are on track to graduate. Don’t be afraid to go see them for any questions or concerns regarding education. Check out the Student Success Center for more information on academic advisors.

“Don’t seek to impress, seek to inspire,” Imani Lemon said.

There is no need to worry about what anyone else thinks because chances are that they are struggling just as much.

“Don’t enroll in 8 a.m.’s,” Cristal Macias said.

Some people just aren’t meant to see the light of day before 10 a.m.


Camrie Efird

“Get involved in activities and stay social,” Camrie Efird said.

There are so many groups and clubs on Allen’s campus. From the Student Senate to Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), to Bible Study and Quiz Bowl, there plenty of groups to be involved with. Allen’s student life activities are also always happening such as Blizzard night, movie night, bowling night, game night, and so much more. Come out to one, or all, and meet other Devils.


“Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day,” Hailey Jones said.

It may be easy to let a bad grade ruin the day, but there is always a way to find the silver lining. Have dinner with friends or go see a movie; anything to find at least one good encounter in the day.

Freshmen have heard it a billion times and will continue to hear it all year, but freshman year is a really big deal to everyone. Now that you’ve heard it from your own classmates, it’s your time to do it yourself.