Students Helping Students
Tutoring Center on Allen Campus
Jerry Vincent, Math Center coordinator for Allen Community College, helps Lisa Burton with an algebra problem in the Academic Support area of the Iola Library.
November 13, 2018
Tutoring centers, or academic success centers, can be of great use to college students. For Allen Community College students, there is a free tutoring center in the college library.
The Academic Success Center is overseen by Writing Center Coordinator Bruce Symes, who does the hiring and scheduling of the tutors. The tutors are top students in mathematics, writing and science, and there is usually one available in the center throughout the day. In addition to core math, science and English courses, students can get help in social sciences, economics, early childhood education and other disciplines.
Symes also tutors writing, and Math Center Coordinator Jerry Vincent, who is based at the Academic Success Center on Allen’s Burlingame Campus, visits the Iola campus on Tuesdays.
In addition to the face-to-face tutoring, students in writing courses can get online assistance through the Online Writing Center. The college also subscribes to NetTutor, an online tutoring service that provides assistance in any course offered at Allen.
AUSTIN HENDRIX is a freshman that is involved in many activities and clubs at Allen also tutors math and English. He drives 15 minutes from his home in Colony every day to attend class, tutor and partake in extracurricular activities.
“I wanted a work-study job and I heard that tutoring was an option. I thought that it was perfect for me because I like helping people,” Hendrix said.
The tutors at Allen are paid through a work-study program, and it is one of Allen’s many on-campus jobs. Anyone wanting to be a tutor in the future should contact Symes for more information.
“Students should come to the tutoring center because it is fast and simple,” said Hendrix. “A lot of the time, students hit a wall in an assignment and they try to will themselves through it, and as a result they end up getting it wrong. Coming into the tutoring center is easier than struggling in a dorm room alone.”
The tutors are always ready and eager to help anyone who comes into the center, even if it is not in their specific subject of expertise.
The tutoring center is open during library hours, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon-Thurs and 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Fridays.