Students Give Thought To Election
October 6, 2016
lection day is just around the corner. This time around, though, many Allen students are eligible to vote Nov. 8 for the first time in their lives.
The campaign season has garnered much attention, and even casual observers seem to have an opinion about the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, and the Republican candidate, Donald Trump. In an informal survey of the mindset of a few Allen students, the Flame found they either don’t pay any attention to politics or they aren’t interested in this specific election. The views they did hold, however, seemed to parallel one another.
Following are questions posed four students and their responses:
- How do you feel about Trump/Clinton?
Angelique Kyles
“I dislike Trump, and I don’t like Hillary’s qualities. She has better intentions than Trump, though.”
Jud Wiltse
“Literally just seeing which is more polished, both are awful. I would have to choose Trump.”
Dante Kahre
“This election is a joke. They care more about beating each other than making a change.”
Bailey Corwine “Both are awful. I don’t feel safe with either.”
- Did you prefer Sanders?
Angelique Kyles
“Yes, then again, no. He’s too old. And being president you age quickly.”
Jud Wiltse
“Yes,’Get in here man!’”
Dante Kahre
Bailey Corwine
“No. Socialism is a flawed government.”
- Do you base your political views on your parents’ views?
Angelique Kyles
“Not at all. My views are my views. I only base my religion off my parents.”
Jud Wiltse
“Not at all. I used to, but then I started thinking for myself.”
Dante Khare
“No. They’re all off what I read and see.”
Bailey Corwine
“The older I got, the more I formed my own opinion, I actually disagree with my parents a lot.”
- What’s the best quality a president should have?
Angelique Kyles
“Not to be racist/prejudice, look out for the U.S, as a whole.”
Jud Wiltse
Dante Kahre
“Character. People have to like you.”
Bailey Corwine
“Courage. You have to face tough decisions, unpopular decisions.”
- Does politics interest you at all?
Angelique Kyles
Jud Wilste
“Depends on the politics. I would like to (be more interested) but the whole thing is rigged.”
Dante Kahre
Bailey Corwine
The students had very similar answers for the most part: they don’t like Trump or Clinton, and they do not get their political views from mom! Beyond the Q&A’s of peers, the public as a whole is anxious about this upcoming election.