American Red Cross Annual Blood Drive Is Feb. 23

February 17, 2015
Donating blood to people that may need it around the world is not an obligation for the donors, but is a responsibility we as humans have. Maybe one day it’s you or your family who will need somebody to donate blood for you and it’s a great act of valor and generosity to help this cause.
At Allen Community College, the American Red Cross Annual Blood Drive sponsored by the Student Senate will be Feb. 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Student Center.
According to Ryan Bilderback, director of student life, the Student Senate wants students to come and donate in a healthy environment. A blood drive is a process that needs to be very secure for the health of the donor, he noted, so there are requirements in place to donate blood. Donors:
– Must be at least 17 years old
– May donate as long as he or she feels well, has no fever, and has no problems breathing. Medications for asthma do not disqualify a person for donating.
– Should go through a brief medical test to see if the person is able to donate.
– May donate if a tattoo was applied at a state-regulated facility that uses sterile needles and single-use ink. A person must wait 12 months after having a tattoo applied in a facility that is not state-regulated, regardless whether sterile ink and needles were used.
– Must be at least 110 pounds.
But there’s good news after the needles. Every student that comes to the blood drive will receive a free T-shirt, free Pizza Hut pizza and a free pass for the next college movie night that will be on February 26. Students that are not able to donate if they don’t meet the requirements will receive the T-shirt, movie pass and pizza, too, as long as they come with the intentions to donate.