‘Lou’ Finds Fit in States, at Allen

Lou has competed in many cross country meets for Allen.
April 10, 2018
Growing up is tough enough, with the consistent worry of one’s financial future, or what college or career one might want to pursue. For Allen Community College student and cross country athlete Ludreche Bouanga, moving from one country to another and adapting to a completely different culture was a major part of his childhood.
Ludreche, or Lou as he is affectionately called here, was born in the Republic of Congo in central Africa. He then lived in Gabon, Africa for 10 years until he was 11, when his family then moved to Texas.
“One of the hardest things to deal with was the transition, in scenery, language, and food,” Bouanga said.“The food is great here but it is way better back in Africa.”
Ludreche finished high school at Westbury High School. He didn’t discover Allen; he was actually discovered by Allen’s coaches who found Ludreche in Texas while at a coaching seminar.
Ludreche also said that in “Africa school goes on for two different sessions every day.” He then explained that they go from 8am-noon in the morning and then in the after from 2-5pm.
When it comes to having fun on the weekends or after school, Bouanga said that here in the United States, “ I would go and play at parks or playgrounds, but back in Africa we would go to a river that was down by the school, and we would tie tires to an old tree and swim and swing into the river.”
When it comes to food, Bougana said that Americans do have good food, but “his mother makes the best dirty rice, cooked with potatoes and meat.”