My Inspiration To Finish the Semester Strong

October 22, 2019
Sometimes college can be a real struggle. Even in the first two years of school, students can still be getting used to the transition from high school to college. The college life can still hold triumphs and obstacles waiting to be faced, but there is always a way to get over them.
At Allen Community College, some struggles I personally face on a weekly basis are deadlines for academics, my grades, and my social life. I worry about these types of things but I know that I will always land on my feet. Some things that help me cope with my struggles are inspirational quotations that I have come across through the years.
A quote that really shows that even through tough situations, a good outcome can arise is: “The best view comes after the hardest climb.”
Even through hard situations with grades and academics, working hard all semester can lead to a good grade point average. This saying always reminds me to work hard during the semester to achieve a good GPA in the end.
ANOTHER quotation that inspires me to always live life to the fullest and always enjoy the moment is: “You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach.”
This quote helps me remember to always live in the moment and to enjoy life from where I am now. Sometimes when I’m in college I get wrapped up in my school work and forget to enjoy the good times.
A GOOD quotation that speaks to me about loving myself is: “I’m too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener.”
I also feel it is very important to cherish my college days and take some time for myself. It is vital to have a good mindset about one’s mental health and not to compare oneself to others.